Accepting artwork that addresses the struggle and the injustice experienced by all minorities and celebration of Black identity and culture. For centuries art has had the power to change the world. Not only can it reflect the world we live in but also inspire and move us to change the world.
Wednesday, January 22nd-Deadline
Monday, Jan. 27th artwork drop off
Friday, Feb. 7th Opening Reception
Exhibition Dates: Feb. 7th- March 2nd
Monday, March 3rd Artwork pickup
BLM-is open to anyone older than 18 years of age.
All Media
All work must be ready to install. We can refuse to showcase an artwork if not ready to hang.
Submit up to 3 works of art.
No size limit
No Entry Fee or Submission fee
Submission of images
All digital submissions should be JPEG’s. Label each submission with artist First name and last name followed with entry number. (Ivonne Cruz_1.jpg). Attach a Word or PDF of image list with the following for each. Title, Medium, Size, Year, Price (or NFS)
Dragonfly Gallery
2436 W. Madison St.