Call for Entry: Dream Job
March 19 – May 10, 2025
Exhibition Theme
We all dream, but what is the “job” of dreams? What is their purpose? What truths might they reveal? How do they shape our perception of ourselves and our understanding of the world? Dreams are windows into our subconscious minds. Some dreams may tell a complete story while others provide random fragments of memories we may or may not recognize. Often, we have no conscious memory of our dreams. Yet, they can help us create new or different realities. There are myriad opinions regarding the role of the mysterious narratives and imagery generated by our brains while we are unconscious.
We are seeking visual artists who are willing to share work inspired by their dreams (or nightmares).
Deadline for all entries: Materials must be postmarked by Friday, December 6, 2024. Online submissions may be loaded until 11:59 p.m. on December 6.
Selection Process
Works will be selected by invitation and from a national call for entry by NIU Art Museum staff members and the museum’s Exhibition Advisory Committee.
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