The Missing Piece – Georgia Schwender

Water Street Studios

October 11 – Nov. 3
October 11, 6 – 9 pm Opening Reception

“the Missing Piece” is a collection of ceramic and cyanotype works symbolizing experiences and emotions from the past year, dedicated to Anna Lee Schwender. Through metaphorical imagery, I explore the mother-daughter relationship. Ceramic hemispheres, glazed in soft yellow and paired with cyanotype, represent duality and the balance between light and dark—complete yet incomplete, much like this bond. Puzzle pieces, also in soft yellow with blue cyanotype, reflect individuality within unity. “Counting the Days,” a series of ceramic squares, marks the passage of time, standing alone to highlight solitude while acknowledging connection. This work captures the complexity of relationships, emphasizing the interdependence and uniqueness within a whole. My reflections on aging, death, and balance add a deeply personal dimension to this collection.